Stampa / Iggy Azalea Offered to Be Official Porn Narrator

On Jun 20, Iggy Azalea released a video of herself twerking in a kitchen, and proceeded to narrate the video for her excited social media fans.

xHamster team was no exception, and when Iggy suggested she narrate for National Geographic, xHamster had a better idea.

"We may not be National Geographic, but we do have thousands of videos showing humanity's passionate, anim@l nature," said Alex Hawkins, VP of xHamster. "If she can turn the world on with a twerk, we'd love to see what she does with something a little more explicit. We know from our market research that there are millions of older people whose failing eyesight no longer allows them to enjoy adult videos. If Iggy were to partner with us, it would be a public service, and open her up to a whole new fan base."

Alex Hawkins

Vice President, xHamster

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